Tweet deleted 😢
Controversial opinion of the day: @destinythegame 2 is an complete improvement over Destiny, & I can’t wait to see where @Bungie takes it.
As robo-fights go, this is more likely to be like be like Rock ‘em Sock ‘em robots, with the two mechanical creations squaring off and exchanging blows until one is incapacitated.
Sign me up!
The USA is taking on Japan in a giant robot duel you can watch next Tuesday:
Feel the hype flow through you
Why can I not sort by filesize on Google Drive, seems like a basic thing.
Why can I not sort by filesize on Google Drive, seems like a basic thing.
Main segment: Forensic evidence.
Other segments: Trump’s tax reform proposal, aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.
Watched on Kodi
Main segment: Corporate Consolidation
Other segments: Trump slams NFL players, Trains (Scranton)
Watched on Kodi
As Sheldon stresses about picking a wedding date, Amy tries to convince him he has a more laid-back side. Also, Koothrappali and Stuart compete to win the heart of Bernadette’s new co-worker, Ruchi.
Watched on Plex
The Price draft also repeatedly mentions protecting individuals from “conception to natural death” — language similar to that used by anti-abortion groups.
Can apps steal your passwords? What you need to know!:
Why Price’s conservative imprint on HHS is likely to endure:
Best fortnite moment ever @shawnabner #PS4share
— O'neil Quality Furniture (@theshadowog) October 7, 2017
RT @nowthisnews: Here’s an argument against gun safety laws that makes literally no sense