CRTC Bans Locked Cellphones and Unlocking Fees in Canada Starting Dec. 1 | iPhone in Canada Blog - Canada’s #1β¦
Firefox Hogs Less Memory And Gets A Speed Bump In
Firefox hogs less memory and gets a speed bump in its latest update:
BioWare's Anthem looks really good
BioWare’s Anthem looks really good, lots of similarities to Destiny
Destiny 2 Hits PC In October Beta Begins In July
Last Week Tonight Season 4 Episode 15
Gotham Season 2 Episode 22 Wrath Of The Villains
Destiny 2 hits PC in October, beta begins in July - Polygon:
Xbox One X Is Microsofts Next Game Console Arriving On
Xbox One X is Microsoft’s next game console, arriving on November 7th for $499:
Checked into Audley Recreation Centre
Adam West Iconic Batman Actor Dies At 88
Adam West, Iconic Batman Actor, Dies at 88:
Repost Of Nbc Nightly Newss Tweet D322a7b8d3
RT @NBCNightlyNews: Question: Were visa waivers discussed?
Pres. Trump: “We didn’t discuss it.”
Romanian Pres. Iohannis: “Yes … I mentiβ¦
Checked into Landmark Cinemas
Checked into Shoeless Joe's
Twittymick I Saw That Too But I Read That Disables
Replying to @lookitsron and @TwittyMick
Thanks for the clarification! This will definitely increase my usage.
Replying to @TwittyMick
I saw that too, but I read that disables voice, so you get one or the other, not both.