
I wonder if #Destiny2 will only have 2 subclasses per class again to start, with a 3rd coming in one of the DLCs.


RT @DestinyTheGame: Destiny 2 Gameplay Premiere kicks off in one hour. Join the pre-show for the countdown and a look behind the scenes. ht…


Liked Justin Trudeaus Tweet 7c5cfe1745

Today, I ask all of you to fight hatred, honour love, and defend LGBTQ2 rights as human rights. #IDAHOT https://t.co/kDdhHxEi7V pic.twitter.com/HSDXNn5srd — Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) May 17, 2017

The Mp3 Is Not Dead Motherboard

I’ve seen so many stories over the past few days about how MP3 is dead, which made no sense to me. It’s now unincumbered, if anything it’ll probably see an uptick in use.

RT @washingtonpost: For most officials, such a disclosure would be illegal. But Trump has broad authority to declassify secrets https://t.c
