
Theresa May To Create New Internet That Would Be Controlled

“The manifesto makes reference to those increased powers, saying that the government will work even harder to ensure there is no “safe space for terrorists to be able to communicate online”.” Can also be read as “no safe space for anyone to be able to communicate online”. “The laws would also force technology companies to delete anything that a person posted when they were under 18.” How, how? What if those people don’t want their stuff deleted? What if it is self-hosted? This whole thing seems to assume the internet is Google and Facebook.

Gotham Season 2 Episode 16 Wrath Of The Villains

After Gordon is removed from protective custody, he begins to face new threats and dangers inside prison walls. In order to survive, he must rely on a new friend, as well as Bullock and other outside help. Meanwhile, Penguin grows closer to his father, while his step-mother and step-siblings move forward with their own plans for the family. Watched on Netflix

I wonder if #Destiny2 will only have 2 subclasses per class again to start, with a 3rd coming in one of the DLCs.


RT @DestinyTheGame: Destiny 2 Gameplay Premiere kicks off in one hour. Join the pre-show for the countdown and a look behind the scenes. ht…


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Today, I ask all of you to fight hatred, honour love, and defend LGBTQ2 rights as human rights. #IDAHOT https://t.co/kDdhHxEi7V pic.twitter.com/HSDXNn5srd — Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) May 17, 2017