Inside the next Xbox: Project Scorpio tech revealed |
Is It Just Me Or Did Summer Feel A Lot
Is it just me or did summer feel a lot shorter this year?
30+ attempts at the Templar and we weren’t able to pull it off 😩😠 #destiny #VoG
Apple Introducing New Mac Pro Pro iMacs And External Display
That Walking Dead Finale Though
Apple Introducing New Mac Pro, Pro iMacs and External Display Over Next Year:
That Walking Dead finale though 😳
Managed to complete Crota's end a couple of times this past week.
Smart Tv Hack Embeds Attack Code Into Broadcast Signalno Access
Smart TV hack embeds attack code into broadcast signal—no access required | Ars Technica:
Repost Of Mobilesyrups Tweet 284cdb3131
RT @MobileSyrup: The S8’s facial recognition feature can be bypassed with a photo
Love this, so good. Good mix of seriousness and humour.
Checked into Newtonbrook Bowlerama
Replying to @MIDImyers
I just finished listening to the “Ahsoka” audiobook. If you like Rebels you’d probably like that too.
Destiny 2 Last Call Teaser Youtube
Destiny 2 – “Last Call” Teaser - YouTube: