
Inside The Next Xbox Project Scorpio Tech Revealed Eurogamernet

“Project Scorpio hits the six-teraflop target set for it as E3 last year, thanks to a custom GPU that has been designed from the ground up for optimal performance on today’s game engines - and that runs at an unprecedentedly high clock speed for a console. The GPU is paired with 12GB of fast GDDR5 memory and a custom eight-core CPU, and the whole thing is housed in a compact body with integrated power supply and, for a console, state-of-the-art cooling.”

30+ attempts at the Templar and we weren’t able to pull it off 😩😠 #destiny #VoG


Apple Introducing New Mac Pro Pro iMacs And External Display

“As part of doing a new Mac Pro — it is, by definition, a modular system — we will be doing a Pro display as well. Now you won’t see any of those products this year; we’re in the process of that. We think it’s really important to create something great for our pro customers who want a Mac Pro modular system, and that’ll take longer than this year to do.”


@MIDImyers I just finished listening to the “Ahsoka” audiobook. If you like Rebels you’d probably like that too.