
RT @Bungie: Countdown has begun. We’re about to be live with Destiny Sandbox Designers @gregcpeng and @Josh_Hamrick. Come and hang. https:/…


RT @BraddJaffy: Trump just named 9/11, Boston, Orlando and San Bernardino to justify his travel ban. None of those attackers were from coun…


The Balloon Tree

The girls really enjoyed The Balloon Tree at the St. Francis Centre in Ajax yesterday. The performers did a great job involving the audience, great show overall!

RT @JuddLegum: The federal judge’s order in Washington State blocking Trump’s Muslim ban is pretty sweeping



Trudeau Has Better Things To Do Than Complain To Fox

Conservative MP and party leadership candidate Lisa Raitt says while she understands frustrations over misinformation being reported, Justin Trudeau should be focused on more important matters. This is very important, especially considering what’s happening in the U.S. Getting this type of information wrong is irresponsible and reckless.

RT @ACLU: Saying it one more time for the people in the back: Freedom of religion doesn’t mean the right to discriminate against other peo…


Apples Record Quarter By The Numbers - Six Colors

There was a time when every quarter was a record for Apple, but after last year’s rough year of regression (following a record-smashing 2015), it wasn’t a sure thing that we’d see more of those for a while. But for the holiday quarter of calendar-year 2016, Apple beat its own advance guidance and reported a record revenue of $78.4 billion. Let the “Apple is doomed” posts begin. source