Went and saw this this afternoon with the girls, they really enjoyed it.
Watching mom and dad play Mario.
Kitty loves
Let's do this!
Let’s do this! https://www.instagram.com/p/BOgRC1CACQR/
Merry Christmas π πΌππ
So what’s the best iOS content blocker to use? Ka-Bock looks pretty good.
Windchill is chilly
RT @jonnysun: TREE: [sees christmas tree thru window] who dose he think he is. all dressed up. too good to be outside
ANOTHER TREE: be niceβ¦
All the negative reviews on #SuperMarioRun are because of the price π A $10 Nintendo game is not expensive people.
RT @DestinyTheGame: The Dawning has arrived for all Rise of Iron players.
Visit Amanda Holliday to pick up your SRL bounties and begin thβ¦
Valerie's birthday cake. Wifey did an awesome job!
RT @longwall26: A global superpower ruled by the KGB, KKK, Goldman Sachs, and a gameshow host? What could go wrong
2 weeks in with the new MacBook Pro and I can say the new keyboard is awesome! The old one feels squishy and cheap now.
Really!? Dual cameras isnβt important? http://www.businessinsider.com/reasons-google-pixel-is-better-than-iphone-7-2016-12/#the-pixel-is-lighter-1
RT @DattosDestiny: Uncommon engrams automatically turn into armor materials and weapon parts when you pick them up when you’re level 40. Bβ¦
RT @iPhoneinCanada: Netflix for iOS Gets Offline Downloads–Here’s How to Do It http://www.iphoneincanada.ca/news/netflix-ios-offline-downloads/
Good playlist for this morning πΈ https://itunes.apple.com/ca/playlist/metallica-essentials/idpl.e55da0d4a18140e3b1120339e2608aa5
This is kind of ironic http://feed.torrentfreak.com/~r/Torrentfreak/~3/1fpW3K0-SSo/
RT @DeeJ_BNG: Notes on our immediate future. One step at a time, Guardians. Enjoy your holiday, if it reaches your shores, and we’ll talk mβ¦
RT @DestinyTheGame: Mayhem Clash returns to the Crucible. Get out there and enjoy yourselves, Guardians.
If some people had their way we’d still be rocking the one of the left because “ports!” https://twitter.com/historicalpics/status/800858928003182592