RT @Info_Activism: After Endless Demonization Of Encryption, Police Find Paris Attackers Coordinated Via Unencrypted SMS https://t.co/quOcW…
RT @Info_Activism: After Endless Demonization Of Encryption, Police Find Paris Attackers Coordinated Via Unencrypted SMS https://t.co/quOcW…
Paris: You Don’t Want to Read This http://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/11/15/paris-you-dont-want-read
Got this this morning when trying to launch @reederapp https://twitter.com/theloop/status/664832002923720704
RT @buttzke: Cats aren’t as useless as everyone says. https://vine.co/v/eDeVgbFrt9L
Based in the current rarity of weapons parts, I expect each one to cost 10,000 glimmer in the upcoming update 😁 #destiny
RT @PopSci: WATCH: Two men in jetpacks fly with an airliner over Dubai http://pops.ci/Nm1W3x
RT @NASA: Humans have lived #15YearsOnStation. A lot has happened since then. Year 2000 vs now: http://go.nasa.gov/1GIHlBB https://t.co/nfdM1B…
Couple of happy trick or treaters 👻 https://instagram.com/p/9hiJFSNBSF/
RT @DestinyNews_net: Buy Zhalo Supercell! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPjJNB-wXec
RT @DestinyNews_net: Challenge modes are coming!
RT @globeandmail: Documents indicate B.C. wolf cull linked to forest industry concerns http://trib.al/nH9qr1n From @markhumeglobe https://…
Batman: Arkham Knight for PC re-launches on Steam Oct. 28 http://www.polygon.com/2015/10/24/9607846/batman-arkham-knight-pc-steam-launch-broken-bugs
Popcorn Time for your browser makes illegal movie streaming even easier http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/19/9571359/popcorn-time-online-browser-version-streaming
Cortona will work with Xbox one headsets http://www.polygon.com/2015/10/16/9549669/kinect-xbox-one-use
Had a great view from the plane on our flight home last night ✈️🌅🌘 https://instagram.com/p/88HklKNBVf/
RT @ElectionsCan_E: Ready to vote on Monday? Find out where, when and what ID to bring. https://cards.twitter.com/cards/18ce53yok7x/11vpv
Google has a new plan to speed up the mobile web http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/7/9467149/google-accelerated-mobile-pages-caching-preview
Destiny gets a new quest leading to the coveted Sleeper Simulant exotic weapon http://www.polygon.com/2015/10/7/9469733/destiny-how-to-get-sleeper-simulant-quest
Anti-Vaxxers Fund Study That Finds Zero Link Between Vaccinations And Autism http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/anti-vaxxers-fund-study-finds-zero-link-between-vaccinations-and-autism
Europe’s highest court just rejected the ‘safe harbor’ agreement used by American tech companies http://www.businessinsider.com/european-court-of-justice-safe-harbor-ruling-2015-10?utm_content=bufferfcf7a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
RT @BGR: Watch the final trailer for ‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2’ http://bgr.co/1j517w3
http://Mail.app in El Cap is so much better and faster!
BREAKING: The #TPP has just been finalized. Speak out while there’s still time https://stopthesecrecy.net/canada
Destiny Players Discover Secret Raid Room That Nobody Can Solve http://kotaku.com/destiny-players-discover-secret-raid-room-that-nobody-c-1734674425?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow
OS X 10.11 El Capitan: The Ars Technica Review | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/apple/2015/09/os-x-10-11-el-capitan-the-ars-technica-review/1/