RT @gameinformer: New Titanfall Update Is Live, See What’s Included - News http://bit.ly/1wCNDsV
RT @gameinformer: New Titanfall Update Is Live, See What’s Included - News http://bit.ly/1wCNDsV
RT @comiXology: TREES #1 by @warrenellis & @theJasonHoward is still FREE! http://cmxl.gy/UnUY1M Get it now & read issue #2 tomorrow! http:…
RT @shwood: Holy cow! The US no-fly list process was just ruled unconstitutional! http://www.theverge.com/2014/6/24/5839190/federal-judge-rules-no-fly-list-process-is-unconstitutional (thx @brycas)
Flickr app on the AppleTV is much improved.
RT @verge: Google’s giving Chromebook Pixel LTE owners $150 to make up for Verizon’s mistake http://vrge.co/1wtJR5k
A 16-Bit Animated Mashup of ‘The Legend of Zelda’ and the Opening Title Sequence for ‘Game of Thrones’ http://flip.it/zlDqa
The Designer Of The F-15 Explains Just How Inanely Stupid The F-35 Is http://flip.it/mjuAS
Eight Terminal Utilities Every OS X Command Line User Should Know http://fb.me/6CUz1wo65
This is awesome! http://flip.it/siHNU
Disturbing » U.S. Court Releases Obama Administration’s ‘Drone Memo’ http://flip.it/HlieF
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “Well, it’s 1 am, better go home and spend some quality time with the kids.”
RT @Kotaku: The internet reacts to the Steam summer sale: http://bit.ly/1ipeINp
Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril out now for iOS http://flip.it/XdyEl
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “Back to the wing, back to the center. Center holds it, holds it…holds it.” #WorldCup2014 #BrazilvsMexico http://t.co/g…
RT @mgeist: Global Deletion Orders? B.C. Court Orders Google To Remove Websites From its Worldwide Index http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/7159/125/
RT @OpenMedia_ca: It’s a win! Canada’s Supreme Court rules that ISPs cannot hand over your private info to police without a warrant http://…
Video Showing How Apple’s Split Screen iPad Multitasking Works http://flip.it/DMr60
RT @Polygon: Titanfall’s new Marked For Death mode causes muscle contractions http://sbn.to/1mH8l3J
RT @ScottBeale: The reason that @Feedly is down now is due to a DDoS attack that is trying to extort money from them to make it stop. http:…
All 74 School Shootings Since Newtown, In One Depressing Map http://flip.it/EQ9K3
RT @slashdot: America ‘Has Become a War Zone’ http://bit.ly/1oOqSxU
RT @engadget: Alienware’s Steam Machine starts at $549 and launches this holiday season http://engt.co/1kZycaj
RT @FredericJacobs: iOS 8 randomises the MAC address while scanning for WiFi networks. Hoping that this becomes an industry standard.
MPAA: Consumer Right to Resell Online Videos Would Kill Innovation http://feed.torrentfreak.com/~r/Torrentfreak/~3/o9YUmshvBEY/
Google may be looking to buy Songza, and the reason is curation http://flip.it/nIlC9