RT @gameinformer: Gearbox Announces Homeworld HD Remake - http://bit.ly/12VLMye
RT @gameinformer: Gearbox Announces Homeworld HD Remake - http://bit.ly/12VLMye
SDCC: “X-Men: Days of Future Past” Portraits Offer First Look at Bishop - Comic Book Resources http://fb.me/1FZheeYkP
Language Matters: Framing The Copyright Monopoly So We Can Keep Our Liberties | TorrentFreak http://fb.me/2dRwPkcoi
What if Pixar’s films are all part of one epic, apocalyptic narrative? http://fb.me/HtIRfl1F
Malala Yousafzai, teen shot by Taliban, addresses U.N. http://fb.me/2mtr7svWs
RT @iFanboy: It’s Official: Fox To Expand X-Men Movie Universe with ‘X-Force’ http://ifn.by/15ooMe1
Cheetahs are so awesome. http://fb.me/29xHxZvYT
RT @THErealDVORAK: Autonomous Cylon-looking and creepy unmanned drone makes successful carrier landing. http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/x-47b-navy-drone-take-first-stab-unmanned-carrier-landing-6C10591335 Our future!
RT @suigenerisjen: Anyone who isn’t outraged by this isn’t awake http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/07/07/us/in-secret-court-vastly-broadens-powers-of-nsa.html
Tuckered out from their day at the beach. http://instagram.com/p/bZWVUsNBVU/
RT @lexfri: Wow.
Statement from Edward Snowden in Moscow http://fb.me/1ak4oQj9P
Massive Android flaw allows hackers to ’take over’ and ‘control’ 99% of Android devices http://fb.me/ZpAoE9ZE
RT @WilHarris: Staggering: Quake 3 botmatch left running for 4 years, bots decide only way to win is world peace. http://i.imgur.com/dx7sVXj.jpg vi…
RT @reederapp: Reeder 3.2 for iPhone just got approved. Should be available shortly.
RT @danielpunkass: I wonder which Google Reader clone Google will end up acquiring first.
#PHOTO: Egyptian protestors direct laser lights on a military helicopter flying over the presidential palace in… http://fb.me/2rNaejsc2
RT @rickygervais: Please RT
Copyright Trolls Get Bad-Tempered Cross-Examination Over File-Sharing Evidence | TorrentFreak http://fb.me/EZXXGEuQ
RT @PopSci: Watch a robotic cheetah cub run http://pops.ci/16zxXdv