RT @ISS_Research: Wonder how @Cmdr_Hadfield took all of those great pictures of Earth? http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=yFp9pndbSKM&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DyFp9pndbSKM via @csa_asc
RT @ISS_Research: Wonder how @Cmdr_Hadfield took all of those great pictures of Earth? http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=yFp9pndbSKM&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DyFp9pndbSKM via @csa_asc
RT @Astro_Jeremy: Great Soyuz pic.“@NASA:Expedition 35 Landing. The Soyuz TMA-07M spacecraft is seen as it lands with Expedition 35. http:/…
Looks good, definitely gonna check it out. - Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Promo 1 (via @Pocket) http://fb.me/Sd3JaSRp
Space Oddity http://fb.me/2iV1gEy7U
“There is no greater threat to women than men” - Louis CK (via @Pocket) http://fb.me/27uVkym17
How Marvel Assembled Its Cinematic Universe - Infographic (via @Pocket) http://fb.me/AOvwrYwE
RT @FastCompany: There Are Now 400 Parts Per Million CO2 In The Air For The First Time: That Is Way Too Much http://trib.al/R4zVIlg
RT @jmspool: Someone suggested it was a Star Trek fan porn title, and now that’s all I can think of when I hear the phrase “Big Data”
RT @timoreilly: Brilliant problem-solving: Lucy King’s beehive fences keep African elephants from destroying crops, produce honey http://t.…
RT @EFF: If Gatsby were really so great, he’d be in the public domain by now. Why he isn’t: https://eff.org/r.4bQS
Amazing. http://fb.me/IwO5VI7L
Game of Thrones beer coasters! http://fb.me/IMgyrzHW
Only a couple (dozen) more hours to go. http://fb.me/1IYXQFiDC
Oh CFAA, is there anything you can’t do? - Feds Prosecute Gamblers Who Exploited a Software Bug to Win at Video Poker http://j.mp/11DBfsu
If they come out with this I may need to switch from PC gaming to consoles.
Unless they do this for PCs too… Hmm http://fb.me/S2FAzKUG
Amazing, be sure to watch the making of video too.
A Boy And His Atom: The World’s Smallest Movie http://fb.me/2AduJLpj5
RT @mrmarkmillar: Props to Green Lantern for stopping that inter-dimensional invasion the other night.
Laugh It Up, Fuzz Ball http://fb.me/27oVUYf1e
Watching Prometheus while the wife’s out.
RT @harrymccracken: This piece by @michaelmace may be the best thing I’ve read on the PC industry’s challenges. http://bit.ly/13ivAwV
Why is Boston ’terrorism’ but not Aurora, Sandy Hook, Tucson and Columbine? (via @Pocket) #longreads http://fb.me/2nJsFRBq5
RT @Alyssa_Milano: The 35 dumbest things ever said on Facebook http://bzfd.it/14ePQQG
/via @BuzzFeed
RT @treestman: Most pundits clamoring for Apple to release the next great thing didn’t recognize the prior ones when announced.
A Senate in the Gun Lobby’s Grip (via @Pocket) http://fb.me/2jxz2P3N3
RT @Cmdr_Hadfield: How would a candle burn without gravity? An onboard experiment called BASS shows us, here where heat doesn’t rise. http:…