RT @NatGeoSociety: Amazing #photos of the lightning and ash surrounding the erupting #Iceland volcano:http://on.natgeo.com/jO3UN3 #Grimsvotn
RT @NatGeoSociety: Amazing #photos of the lightning and ash surrounding the erupting #Iceland volcano:http://on.natgeo.com/jO3UN3 #Grimsvotn
RT @mgeist: With Shaw’s new broadband packages, the Rogers Extreme plan should be renamed Extremely Uncompetitive http://is.gd/ULNeKJ #UBB
Organizing your Email into Folders is a Waste of Time http://zite.to/kPheS8
RT @JPBarlow: “The internet is the new frontier, a territory to conquer.” - Sarkozy. And I am in Paris to stop him. #eG8 http://bbc.i …
Thank you Internet for teaching me how to inflate a wheelbarrow tire.
RT @jeffjarvis: Ooh, bumpersticker: “On Twitter, God follows everyone.”
RT @Ihnatko: Tiny startup Notion Ink teamed with Amazon to get a Kindle app for _their_ tablet. So what’s RIM’s excuse? http://bit.ly/jHjcQ9
LimeWire Pays RIAA $105 Million, Artists Get Nothing - http://j.mp/mCOpRj
RT @stevenjayl: January: FCC commish Meredith Baker votes to allow Comcast to swallow NBC. Today: Announces she’s taking a job w Comca …
RT @Veronica: Starbuck And Starbuck In Starbucks: http://bzfd.it/kvOXpE
Why Every Child in America Needs an iPad http://zite.to/iks5Jc via @Ziteapp
RT @reederapp: Ok then, Reeder for Mac Draft 14 is out. “Check for Updates…” or http://madeatgloria.com/brewery
My iPad 2 has finally arrived
RT @The_T: Completely forgot today was Star Wars day!! May the 4th be with you!
RT @extralife: Fallout lunch box. http://instagr.am/p/Dr9fU/
RT @mgeist: +1 RT @rhh: 1800 wikileaks cables drop just before an election and our newspapers are silent. Unbelievable.
RT @mgeist: Wikileaks Cable Confirms Public Pressure Forced Delay of Canadian Copyright Bill in 2008 http://is.gd/XTP0Ed 1/2
RT @newsycombinator: Apple is not recording your moves http://j.mp/eDMvP4
RT @RWW: Your iPhone Is Tracking Your Every Move http://rww.to/fXZR66
@ginatrapani would be interested to hear your thoughts re: iPad vs Xoom
Q’n - http://instagram.com/p/C_b_n/
RT @jasonfried: Brilliant ad for Hot Wheels: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2011/04/hot-wheels.jpg
CRIA Watches Massive Music Piracy Crisis Devastate Unknown Band - http://j.mp/hMGlvJ
RT @OpenMedia_ca: Audience asks about of online gamers - speaker: huge prob for capacity. Me: why not see issues as a challenge rather p …