Me likey Twitter for iPad.
Me likey Twitter for iPad.
RT @kevindente: I strongly suspect the next toilet I purchase will be support Netflix streaming.
Anyone played with iTunes ping yet? Any good?
The new apple tv looks intriguing, and only $100. Wonder if it would let me stream my xvid movies.
Good times with good friends!
Backyard mowed, now lunch and then on to the front yard.
One oil change down, one to go.
Laser tag is a lot more tiring than I remember. What do you think that means?
Riding a school bus, and no, not the short bus.
Got the google calling feature in my gmail account, now just need the google voice stuff to come to Canada and I’ll be happy.
RT @google: Over 1,000,000 calls placed from Gmail in just 24 hours! Thanks to everyone using this new feature
RT @tinyrevolution: One thing I’ve learned from Ground Zero Mosque controversy is that mosques have swimming pools & basketball courts. …
RT @danpalmer: How many SEO experts does it take to change a light bulb, lightbulb, light, bulb, lamp, lighting, switch, sex, xxx, hardc …
Oh summertime traffic, how I love thee.
This @flipboard thing is pretty cool.
RT @ginatrapani: 60% of the time it works EVERY time
Lisa got an iPad, she’s named it Wendy.
Had a nice dinner out with Lisa. Zoey was a good girl for her grandparents.
Sweet, The Brick just called to tell us they are giving us free delivery on our new freezer tomorrow. That’s a nice surprise.
Tech News Sites Tout Misleading BitTorrent Piracy Study
Mommy and baby both sleeping soundly.
RT @gruber: Some people say the black ones solve the white iPhone problem. Why don’t you give away free black ones? OK. Great. Everyone …
Skype does multitasking on the iPhone… finally.
Seeing fewer bars on my 3GS with the new iOS update.
RT @Techdirt ‘Hollywood Accounting’ Losing In The Courts