
Did a skype call this afternoon by tethering my iPhone 3GS to my MacBook. Worked surprisingly well.


Tried Boxee as an alternative to XBMC. Gotta say it has nice web features but doesn’t handle local files as well as XBMC.


RT @kevindente: I strongly suspect the next toilet I purchase will be support Netflix streaming.


The new apple tv looks intriguing, and only $100. Wonder if it would let me stream my xvid movies.


Got the google calling feature in my gmail account, now just need the google voice stuff to come to Canada and I’ll be happy.


RT @tinyrevolution: One thing I’ve learned from Ground Zero Mosque controversy is that mosques have swimming pools & basketball courts. …


RT @danpalmer: How many SEO experts does it take to change a light bulb, lightbulb, light, bulb, lamp, lighting, switch, sex, xxx, hardc …
