Canadian Coalition for Electronic Rights ยป Send A Letter To Ottawa To Stop The Canadian DMCA
Canadian Coalition for Electronic Rights ยป Send A Letter To Ottawa To Stop The Canadian DMCA
Great article on the iPhone debacle RT @Jason: The Official Verdict in the stolen iPhone Case
Replying to @PeterVenables
if you have an iPhone, this is great for tracking your distance and time
Great overview of multitasking in iPhone 4.0:
RT @Ihnatko: A significant data point: a moment ago, I wanted to double-tap on a block of text in my desktop browser to zoom it.
(original) - Demos provide a try before you buy option. When dropping $60+ on a game, sometimes people would like to try it first.
So true – Trade Expert
The dyson has arrived :D
Hating games for windows live right now.
Gonna play some Arkham Asylum!
RT @librarycongress: Library acquires ENTIRE Twitter archive. ALL tweets. More info here
Mac keeps crashing, may need to replace the HDD, anyone done this?
Snow….. really?
First you get the sugar, then you get the money, then you get the women.
BBQ tonight, yum!
A jolly jumping baby is a happy baby.
Taxes are done, till next year.
Zoey’s confused about the time, doesn’t want to go to sleep.
Why can’t we spring forward on a Friday afternoon. Who’s great idea was it to do it on a Saturday night and screw up everyone’s sleep?!
Got to play 2 hrs of L4D2 last night. Good times :)
Canada gets gold!! What a game!!
is ready to cheer on Canada!!
Excellent game Canada!!!