
Programming In A Nutshelllets Implement This Big Feature Done In

. Programming in a nutshell: “Let’s implement this big feature” = done in 1 hour “Let's just fix this tiny bug” = a week long trek in to the jungle that is your codebase, discovering several new species of bug along the way, and ultimately questioning your life choices — Martin Pilkington (@pilky) July 3, 2020

RT @pilky: Programming in a nutshell:

“Let’s implement this big feature” = done in 1 hour

“Let’s just fix this tiny bug” = a week long tr…


What Does A Mask Do Blocks Respiratory Droplets Coming From

. What does a mask do? Blocks respiratory droplets coming from your mouth and throat. Two simple demos: First, I sneezed, sang, talked & coughed toward an agar culture plate with or without a mask. Bacteria colonies show where droplets landed. A mask blocks virtually all of them. pic.twitter.com/ETUD9DFmgU — Rich Davis, PhD, D(ABMM), MLS🧫🦠 (@richdavisphd) June 26, 2020

RT @richdavisphd: What does a mask do? Blocks respiratory droplets coming from your mouth and throat.

Two simple demos:

First, I sneezed,…


Ios 14 Reveals Clipboard Snooping Is Far Worse Than We

Stephen Warwick writing for iMore With the release of iOS 14’s new clipboard snooping notifications, it has emerged that apps like TikTok may actually be looking at your clipboard far more than originally thought. Check out the below video from Jeremy Burge, which shows TikTok triggering a notification every two or three keystrokes Are companies this desperate for data? If you’re using TikTok, make sure you’ve got nothing sensitive on your clipboard.

Well Ipados 14s Support For Data Detectors In Handwritten Text

. Well, iPadOS 14's support for data detectors in handwritten text is downright amazing. Write down an address or date, and it instantly becomes a clickable element – turns handwritten text into a smart object. (Images featuring @_silviagatta's handwriting.) pic.twitter.com/2lk17VWs5i — Federico Viticci (@viticci) June 24, 2020