
@copiedapp the today widget doesn’t seem to automatically capture the clipboard when activated anymore. Did something change?


Delete Your Facebook iMore

“Basically, if you took one of the surveys, your data was taken. Worse, the discrepancy between the 270,000 users who participated in the surveys and the 50,000,000 who had their data taken is because Facebook didn’t just allow access to the survey-takers, but to the friends of the survey-takers as well.” So it doesn’t matter how careful you are with your Facebook account, it also depends on how careful your friends are.

Editorial Doug Ford Lets Hope That Past Isnt Prologue

But his demeanour this week during a CBC Ottawa radio interview with host Robyn Bresnahan was entirely consistent with the man Towhey and Filion described. Ford boasted. He bristled with anger. He baited and belittled the host. He balked at being asked to explain contradictions in his proposals. Bresnahan asked how Ford could cut as much spending as he claims without cutting jobs. “Very simple. You haven’t done it. I’ve done it. That’s the difference. Next question.”

Valerie is playing with her Rapunzel dolls, they’re currently flying around the family room with their jet packs 🚀
