I’m shocked, SHOCKED! 🙄 http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/door-to-door-sales-guarantee-price-1.4545484
I’m shocked, SHOCKED! 🙄 http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/door-to-door-sales-guarantee-price-1.4545484
I’ve been using DuckDuckGo for over a year as my primary search engine and I find it to be every bit as good as Google - https://www.quora.com/Why-should-I-use-DuckDuckGo-instead-of-Google
AT&T didn’t waste any time abandoning net neutrality – BGR: http://bgr.com/2018/02/23/att-net-neutrality-wireless-plans-ugh
As Gunman Rampaged Through Florida School, Armed Deputy ‘Never Went In’ - The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/22/us/nikolas-cruz-florida-shooting.html?referer=https://duckduckgo.com
That’s pretty awesome! https://youtu.be/zq07ZFMvo-c
The Case Against the Bell Coalition’s Website Blocking Plan, Part 8: The Ineffectiveness of Website Blocking - Michael Geist: http://www.michaelgeist.ca/2018/02/case-bell-coalitions-website-blocking-plan-part-8-ineffectiveness-website-blocking/
RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “Ooh, look at me! I’m making people happy! I’m the Magical Man from Happy-Land, in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane!” htt…
Let’s go Canada! 🇨🇦 vs 🇺🇸 🏒