
RT @BungieInformer: Masterwork versions of Legendary weapons coming in a patch on December 12.




Runaways Season 1 Episode 2 Rewind

A retelling of 101, as seen from the parents’ perspective. Everyone’s on edge, but after tonight, should all go as planned, they won’t have to worry about their obligations again. Watched on Plex

Physicists Just Found A Loophole In Graphene That Could Unlock

By Thibado’s calculations, a single ten micron by ten micron piece of graphene could produce ten microwatts of power. It mightn’t sound impressive, but given you could fit more than 20,000 of these squares on the head of a pin, a small amount of graphene at room temperature could feasibly power something small like a wrist watch indefinitely.


Installed the photo gallery Lychee as a way of hosting more than one image at a time. Most of the time sharing an individual snapshot is enough, but some occasions warrant an album of images. Here’s some from Halloween this year.

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 15 Solitude

Kara travels to Superman’s Fortress of Solitude in hopes of learning how to defeat Indigo, a dangerous being who can transport via the Internet and who has a connection to Kara’s past. Also, James’s relationship with Lucy reaches a crossroads. Watched on Netflix

Brianna Wu On Twitter As Far As Im Concerned If

As far as I’m concerned, if @AjitPaiFCC is successful at ending #NetNeutrality - that gives Congress carte blanch to break up Verizon, Comcast and other telecom regional monopolies. If you do this, I will make telecom anti-trust my mission in life if elected to Congress. — Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) November 22, 2017

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 14 Truth Justice And The

Supergirl does battle with the deadly Master Jailer, who is hunting and executing escaped Fort Rozz prisoners. Also, Cat hires a second assistant, Siobhan Smythe, who immediately tries to one-up Kara, and Kara and James disagree over the DEO’s methods. Watched on Netflix