RT @KateAronoff: A week after America’s 4th largest city was underwater its 2nd largest city looks like Mordor. Good thing those aren’t at… (original) 09-04
Guardians, Ho! Destiny X Thundercats - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4LpnhdumQA (original) 09-04
A Serf on Google’s Farm – Talking Points Memo: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/a-serf-on-googles-farm (original) 09-03
RT @MattOswaltVA: “You have a choice Houston, starve to death…or eat vegan.” (ENTIRE CITY OF HOUSTON TAKES A BIG SWIG OF WHISKY) “I’ll s… (original) 09-03
First Xbox games with keyboard and mouse gameplay support are coming soon: https://apple.news/AJn0YfJ7tQ1-uxks_TQXlLw (original) 09-03
A Bonkers Private “Jet” Brings Electric Flight to the Rich: https://apple.news/A-RwQl9KzRYGIbUtGmPUlWQ (original) 09-02
RT @IshtarCommander: Here is a big update on the future of Ishtar Commander https://www.unintuitive.com/blog/ishtar-for-destiny-2-update (original) 09-02
Apple: Prepare for APFS – 512 Pixels: https://512pixels.net/2017/08/apple-prepare-for-apfs (original) 09-01
RT @Bungie: The #Destiny2 PC Beta is now live. If you experience any issues, post on our Help forum. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/230230081?sort=0&page=0 https://t.co/… (original) 08-28
Destiny 2 PC Beta Goes Live Today For Some: https://apple.news/AfIv1JyV6Qde4gJKgRJ_WpQ (original) 08-28
MarcLaidlaw-Epistle3/Epistle3_Corrected.md at master · Jackathan/MarcLaidlaw-Epistle3 · GitHub: https://github.com/Jackathan/MarcLaidlaw-Epistle3/blob/master/Epistle3_Corrected.md (original) 08-26
Great news from @nextclouders https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-ios-app-free-for-download-on-app-store/ (original) 08-25
CrashPlan to discontinue its consumer backup service to focus on enterprise | iMore: https://m.imore.com/crashplan-discontinue-its-consumer-backup-service-focus-enterprise?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheIphoneBlog+%28iMore%29 (original) 08-22
RT @BenRiceM: Watch as a vast darkness, the likes of which has only been seen by few living people, spreads across the land. Also today:… (original) 08-21
Butt patrol: Ont. cop dispensing $110 fines for tossed cigarettes | CTV News : http://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/butt-patrol-ont-cop-dispensing-110-fines-for-tossed-cigarettes-1.3552956 (original) 08-19
Woman Banned from US After Border Agent Finds Proof of Drug Use on Phone - VICE: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/ywwvxm/woman-banned-from-us-after-border-agent-finds-proof-of-drug-use-on-phone (original) 08-18
How to Make Fun of Nazis - The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/17/opinion/how-to-make-fun-of-nazis.html (original) 08-18
Next-Level Gaming: The New ‘Call Of Duty’ Will Pe… | ClickHole: http://www.clickhole.com/article/next-level-gaming-new-call-duty-will-penalize-play-6513 (original) 08-18
You’re going to hear a lot of FUD about Apple’s Secure Enclave being hacked. It wasn’t. | iMore: https://m.imore.com/youre-going-hear-lot-fud-about-apples-secure-enclave-being-hacked-it-wasnt (original) 08-17
Successfully got PushBullet setup. I can now send messages from my server to my iPhone and iPad 🤓 (original) 08-17
Been using the Ka-block content blocker on both iOS and MacOS for about a year now and I’m very happy with them… https://michael.runcieman.com/2017/been-using-the-ka-block-content-blocker-on-both-ios-and (original) 08-15
I’m thinking about trying out Huginn, an opensource project that’s very similar to IFTTT. Not sure what I’ll use… https://michael.runcieman.com/2017/im-thinking-about-trying-out-huginn-an-opensource-project-thats (original) 08-15